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Thomas Schmidheiny

Entrepreneur, art collector and philanthropist

„I see EDUCA SWISS as a quality provider of educational loans, who, as an initiator, mediator and coordinator, helps as many young people as possible to access the best possible education.”

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Valentine and Claude Demole

Fondation Albatros, Funding partner of EDUCA SWISS

„We support EDUCA SWISS so that motivated young people can pursue a profession through education that matches their talents and aspirations.”

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Niklaus Roth

Founder of the Education Fund for Vocational Training

„Vocational training is often undervalued in our education system. That’s why I want to support young people on this path.”

Partners with their own education fund

Our funding partners have set up their own education funds to enable the efficient allocation of education loans through earmarked and tax-deductible donations of at least CHF 100’000. Every donated franc is provided as an educational loan and reinvested after repayment. This multiplies the impact of each donation and contributes to greater educational equity in the long term.

We would like to thank the following institutions for supporting EDUCA SWISS with their own education funds:

Albatros Foundation

The Foundation is committed to building a better future in the long term. Its goal is to implement pragmatic and sustainable solutions for people in economic and social need. This should enable these people to develop their full potential and live in dignity. The Fondation Albatros contributes to the organisational costs and makes a substantial donation to the EDUCA SWISS education fund.

atDta – Foundation to Help People Help Themselves

This foundation’s purpose is “to promote holistic human development in Switzerland and abroad, to support creativity, team spirit, personal initiative, personality development and self-work; the foundation’s guiding principle is to help people to help themselves”.

The atDta Foundation arranges for selected applicants for educational grants to be guided by EDUCA SWISS and it sets aside a fund for educational loans to finance realisable projects. It also helps by coaching the favoured candidates.

Education Fund for Vocational Training Niklaus Roth

The Vocational Training Fund, which was set up by our long-time coach Niklaus Roth in December 2023, provides targeted support to individuals who are pursuing a federally recognised vocational training programme (Federal Vocational Certificate and Federal Professional Baccalaureate) or related further education – including possible stays abroad. In this way, the fund strengthens dual vocational training as a key pillar of the Swiss education system.

Hirschmann Foundation

The Hirschmann Foundation supports motivated young people in achieving their educational goals through the education fund set up at EDUCA SWISS. A particular focus is on supporting care leavers – young people who have grown up in institutions or foster homes. The Hirschmann Foundation offers scholarships specifically for this target group.

EDUCA SWISS Education Fund

The EDUCA SWISS Education Fund collects both large and small earmarked donations for educational loans. The fund supports all types of viable projects in a variety of fields, with a particular focus on those that are in urgent need of funding and have no other funding options.

Irene M. Staehelin Foundation

Since 2024, EDUCA SWISS and the Irene M. Staehelin Foundation have set up a dedicated education fund to support women with a migration background or in particularly difficult life situations. The Foundation not only provides financial support, but also covers the costs of professional coaching for the candidates.

Georg und Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation

This foundation’s purpose is to support and promote social, cultural and other charitable works. Contributions are especially meant for the elderly and sick such as through private care or new elderly care arrangements, scholarships for students, support for research projects in all faculties of the University of Zurich, and support for institutions and individuals committed to the preservation and promotion of traditional culture and art.

KUMA Foundation

The KUMA Foundation supports individuals, projects, initiatives and institutions in Switzerland and abroad in the areas of society, art and culture, education, health and other non-profit matters.

The KUMA Foundation establishes an earmarked fund at EDUCA SWISS for educational loans. It also assists in coaching the favoured candidates.

Ria and Arthur Dietschweiler Foundation

The Ria & Arthur Dietschweiler Foundation is the patron of EDUCA SWISS in Eastern Switzerland. In this way, it ensures educational opportunities for people from Eastern Switzerland and, through its commitment, makes a significant contribution to the success of the region. The Dietschweiler Education Fund was also set up in 2021 to provide direct support for candidates from Eastern Switzerland. This fund finances the education of motivated people from the region through educational loans. After repayment, the capital is continuously reinvested in new educational projects.

Suyana Foundation

The Suyana Foundation operates in seven countries – Bolivia, Peru, Switzerland, Greece, Rwanda, Uganda, and Sierra Leone. With a holistic approach to health, education and livelihoods, it empowers individuals and communities to lead self-determined lives. Programmes are adapted to the specific needs of rural populations and promote sustainable development through education, health and livelihoods in close collaboration with local partners.
In Switzerland, Suyana supports educational initiatives and works with organisations that promote social and professional opportunities. These include education and training programmes, bridging programmes and internships that help people achieve their career goals and build a sustainable future. In agriculture, Suyana works to improve the livelihoods of farming families in German-speaking regions by providing targeted support and sustainable solutions to strengthen their operations.

Samuel Zweifel Education Fund

In memory of Samuel Zweifel, a dedicated vocational school teacher who guided young people on their way to a vocational baccalaureate, his mother has continued this legacy. The education fund named after him now supports young people with educational loans to help them achieve their educational goals.

Sandoz Family Philanthropical Foundation

The family foundation promotes entrepreneurship and innovation to uphold Swiss entrepreneurial tradition. As a counterbalance, it also encourages creativity and private initiative. Through various companies and holding companies, the Family Foundation is directly or indirectly involved in the pharmaceutical industry and agribusiness, the hotel industry and the watchmaking industry. Their involvement is guided by the philosophy of technological innovation, sustainable development and the creation of new jobs.

Thut/Müller Thut Education Fund

The Thut/Müller Thut Education Fund has been opening up new perspectives in technical education since June 2022. An initiative of our experienced coach Regula Müller Thut and her partner Rolf Thut, it provides targeted education loans for training in the dual education system as well as for STEM programmes at universities of applied sciences, ETH, universities and teacher training colleges. In this way, the fund makes an important contribution to the development of urgently needed specialists in technical professions.

Veronika Leutwyler Foundation

With the Veronika Leutwyler Education Fund, which is affiliated to EDUCA SWISS, the Foundation supports motivated young people in fulfilling their educational ambitions. By means of scholarships and loans, it supports the education and vocational training of young adults with potential and proven need. Swiss citizens and people living in Switzerland are eligible for support. A particular focus of the Education Fund is to support young people from mountain regions and care leavers.

Are you a care leaver in need of financial support for your education?

Then register with EDUCA SWISS and send a brief description of your situation to The Veronika Leutwyler Education Fund provides grants specifically for care leavers, i.e. contributions that do not have to be repaid.

Sponsoring partners

The following institutions contribute to EDUCA SWISS with funding:

arcas foundation

arcas supports projects that strengthen social cohesion, but also wishes to break new ground methodically, formally, and in terms of content in order to face current social challenges. Innovative forms of project funding are just as much a part of this as sustainable investment strategies for the foundation’s capital.

Ernst Göhner Foundation

The Ernst Göhner Foundation supports projects of recognised quality and visible potential; the projects make a sustainable impact, meet identified needs and have supra-regional significance. The Foundation is also involved in pioneering or experimental projects that respond to changes and new needs in society.

Mercator Foundation Switzerland

The Mercator Foundation Switzerland is committed to a cosmopolitan, engaged society that treats the environment responsibly and offers all young people the opportunity to develop their potential. To this end, it promotes and initiates projects in the four areas of education, understanding, participation and the environment.

Rising Tide Foundation

Rising Tide supports projects that promote freedom and prosperity. The foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life by advancing freedom. Its vision is to be a partner that empowers people to live life on their own terms. Since 2021, Rising Tide has been pursuing this vision through an impact loan to EDUCA SWISS, specifically to enable education projects.

Cooperation partners

The following institutions collaborate with EDUCA SWISS to provide direct educational support:

Clara Mändle Foundation

The Clara Mändle Foundation helps young people obtain a good professional education, to access better further education and training for a profession, in cases where they do not have sufficient financial means to do so.

The Clara Mändle Foundation is a lender to EDUCA SWISS. The foundation has actively been promoting education for over 10 years; it advises and accompanies EDUCA SWISS in the further development of our offers and makes contributions to the society for the promotion of funding our coaching pool.

Eckenstein-Geigy Stiftung

The Eckenstein-Geigy Foundation supports projects that promote equal opportunities and independence and whose benefits are long-term. Through EDUCA SWISS, the Eckenstein-Geigy Foundation grants educational loans to around 40 candidates each year.

Elkman Foundation

The Elkman Foundation is committed to promoting a diverse society. It supports institutions and projects that foster volunteer work and social cohesion in multilingual Switzerland while strengthening democracy and quality journalism. Additionally, it may provide funding for projects in the fields of education, culture, and sports.

Dora Foundation

The Dora Foundation supports children and young people with “special needs”, referring to any situation in which children or young people suffer from physical or mental illnesses, have learning difficulties or have difficult family circumstances.

The foundation’s support is primarily through action in the areas of research, prevention, education and treatment. These measures are aimed at children, their families and/or their environment, as well as the professionals who work with them.

Fondation des Fondateurs

The independent and neutral Fondation des Fondateurs aims to make funding goals as easy as possible. Founded by a visionary couple in 2007, it now serves as the leading umbrella foundation in Switzerland for around 51 foundations. It is managed with proven philanthropic competence and is professionally committed to facilitating funding.

Fondation Gandur pour la Jeunesse

Based in Tannay (VD), the Fondation Gandur pour la Jeunesse aims to promote the development and social integration of children, adolescents and young adults who are dealing with hardship, are disadvantaged, have been uprooted or are suffering from a physical disability. To this end, it supports and promotes, with the help of donations, existing programmes developed by institutions or organisations pursuing the same goal.

Lanter Foundation

The Lanter Foundation focuses on nutrition, quality of life and financial literacy. It supports research, education and training, and the dissemination of knowledge in these areas to the general public.

Gerbert Rüf Foundation

The Gebert Rüf Foundation was established by the entrepreneur Heinrich Gebert as a foundation of science and innovation. Its goal is to strengthen “Switzerland as an economic and living space”. As a private funding agency, it supports entrepreneurial and impact-driven projects in accordance with its motto “Move.Science “.

options for growth

The Options for Growth Foundation aims to support the education of youth and young adults from economically disadvantaged families in Switzerland or from developing countries. The Foundation aims to strengthen the personal and professional role of youth and young adults in society, to promote leadership and to increase their influence in all areas of society.

Rütli Foundation

The Rütli Foundation is a tax-exempt umbrella foundation established in Lucerne in 2000. It offers organisational and legal services to donors who wish to engage in charitable activities.

Swiss Foundations

Founded in 2001 as a joint initiative of eleven Swiss grant-making foundations in Basel, SwissFoundations is today a membership organisation for grant-making foundations. SwissFoundations gives Switzerland’s charitable grant-making foundations a strong and independent voice. The association is committed to liberal political framework conditions and to a positive public perception of charitable grant-making foundations. It helps foundations network with one other and with other relevant stakeholders in politics, science, business and society, and provides them with practical support in their day-to-day work as a foundation.

Sotto Voce

The Sotto Voce Foundation aims to promote people’s awareness of the spaces they use and create. The challenge is to reconcile the complex and highly professional world of construction with the needs and preferences of the inhabitants. Sotto Voce provides a platform for architects to present their ideas and work to a wider audience. Sotto Voce wants to show people how architecture works.


Bank Vontobel supports EDUCA SWISS with the Impact Loan. This enables the invested capital to be distributed among various educational projects. Bank Vontobel does not charge any fees in connection with the Impact Loan. In this way, the bank is making a valuable contribution to EDUCA SWISS.